Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Violating Community Standards

 It has been a while since I have posted here. Mostly, I try to just post my stuff on FB and get off as quickly as possible.

The last week, I have received two concerning notifications from Facebook, so I wanted to document them. Many have commented that FB is taking down numerous pages at this time.

Both were warnings about photos I had shared to The Girl God page about 3 years ago, so I am unsure why they were tagged now.

People continue to ask what I posted, so I will share that here.

This is the most recent notice:

I did not screen shot the first one, but remember that it was this photo from Sally Mann.

I will be more careful to document going forward. 

I have not looked personally for disturbing content on FB for quite some time, but many people continue to tell me that it is still readily found.