Friday, March 15, 2013

Just one of Many Pages that threaten Women on Facebook

"I like what he's doing and all, but I'd ease up on the threats...I don't want this guy put in jail for standing up for guys everywhere"

David Mueller It's really amusing, because according to Facebook, she is probably less than half an hour on the tube from me.

See the full conversation at:

And yes, I took screenshots of everything I could.


  1. Woot woot as of 5:22 AM EST the Jessica Dahmer page is gone!

  2. Her other page Asshole Asylum is gone as well. Being an asshole is still up though she hasn't used it in awhile...don't know if she will start posting from there again or not. (That page is registered to her boyfriend.)

    Unfortunately David Mueller's is still up. Reported his post to Minnie on The Girl God...that was really nasty!

  3. Jessica already put up a new page and has a growing fan base.

    (Reported to FB)

    David Mueller stated on that page earlier that his personal account was deactivated, but he commented there under what looks to be the same profile (same name/picture.) He lost his 800 friends but has already collected 79 more. I think these people are pretty organized.
